Application Rates and Methods
Persist PAF Liquid Nutrient Enhancer
Use | Rate per Application | Minimum Dilution* | Number of Applications and Timing |
Turfgrass - Warm Season Grasses | 3.0-6.0 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft (1.0-2.0 gal/acre) | 1:200 (0.50%) | Apply 6-8 times during the spring and summer growing season. Allow 2-4 weeks between applications. |
Turfgrass - Cool Season Grasses | 3.0-6.0 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft (1.0-2.0 gal/acre) | 1:200 (0.50%) | Apply 3-4 times during spring growing season and 3-4 times in the fall. Allow 2-4 weeks between applications. |
Seasonal Crops - Leafy Greens, Brassicas | 1.5-3.0 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft (0.5-1.0 gal/acre) | 1:300 (0.33%) | Apply once at planting using 1/2 of the indicated rate. Follow up with two additional applications at the full rate. Allow 2-4 weeks between applications. |
Seasonal Crops - Strawberry, Pepper, Tomato | 3.0-4.5 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft (1.0-1.5 gal/acre) | 1:200 (0.50%) | Apply once at planting using 1/2 of the indicated rate. Follow up with three additional applications at the full rate. Allow 2-4 weeks between applications. |
Seasonal Crops - Potato, Onion, Carrot, Beet | 2.0-4.0 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft (0.67-1.33 gal/acre) | 1:300 (0.33%) | Apply once at planting using 1/2 of the indicated rate. Follow up with three additional applications at the full rate. Allow 2-4 weeks between applications. |
Seasonal Crops - Corn, Soybean, Oats, Wheat | 3.0-4.5 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft (1.0-1.5 gal/acre) | 1:200 (0.50%) | Apply once at planting using 1/2 the indicated rate. Make a second application at the full rate about four to six weeks after planting. For best results, make an optional third application four weeks later. |
Permanent Crops - Citrus Trees | 1.5-3.0 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft (0.5-1.0 gal/acre) | 1:300 (0.33%) | Apply six times during the growing season. Allow a minimum of three weeks between applications. |
Permanent Crop - Fruit and Nut Trees | 1.5-3.0 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft (0.5-1.0 gal/acre) | 1:300 (0.33%) | Apply six times during the growing season. Allow a minimum of three weeks between applications. |
Flowers and Ornamental Plants | 2.0-4.0 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft (0.67-1.33 gal/acre) | 1:300 (0.33%) | Apply once at planting using 1/2 of the indicated rate. Follow up with two additional applications at the full rate. Allow 2-4 weeks between applications. |
Seed Treatment (pre-soak) | 8 fl oz per hundredweight (CWT) | 1:600 (0.167%) | Soak seeds in a diluted PAF solution (6 fluid oz in 30 gallons of water) for 4-6 hours before planting. |
* Follow the application methods, rates, and coverage areas as prescribed by your specific nutrient and fertilization regimen. Do not apply PAF more than once every two weeks. As an example, a dilution rate of 1:300 means one-part PAF diluted with at least 300 parts of water.
Persist Third Party Validation
Persist Premium Biochar
For planters, flower beds, and nursery pots, mix 1 part Persist Biochar with 6 Parts soil.
Watering: 1st initial watering – thoroughly saturate the biochar and soil. For additional waterings check soil moisture and lightly water as needed
Explanation: By thoroughly mixing 1 part biochar to 6 part soil and then saturating, the biochar will hold the water keeping the soil moist for up to 6x longer. Avoid over-watering by checking the soil for moisture prior to watering.
For horticulture and garden use:
To prepare the soil for planting spread a 25lb bag of Persist Biochar over an 18’ square foot area (approximately 1” deep) and then till or rake in vigorously. Form rows/growing mounds and plant seeds then water.
Watering: 1st initial watering – thoroughly saturate the biochar and soil and let soak. Plant For additional waterings check soil moisture and lightly water as needed
Explanation: By thoroughly mixing biochar with soil and then saturating, the biochar will hold the water keeping the soil moist for up to 6x longer. Avoid over-watering by checking the soil for moisture prior to watering
For pre-lawn planting or sod laying
Soil Preparation: Mix a 25 lbs or Persist Biochar over 9’ square foot area of tilled ground and rake biochar into soil. Roll or flatten soil and lay sod or plant seeds. For best results after seeding or laying down sod, sprinkle generously Persist biochar over the entire area lightly (approximately one 25 lbs bag over 36’ sqft area)
Watering: Before seeding or laying sod, moderately saturate the biochar and soil, and let stand till water soaks in. After sprinkling Persist biochar over laid sod or seeded area, water lightly to dampen and then water only as needed.
Explanation: By thoroughly mixing biochar with the soil will make it drought resistant for many years as the biochar will hold moisture in the soil. This will also cause your grass roots to tunnel deeper and develop a much more robust root system for a better lawn. After sprinkling biochar over the seeded area or over the freshly laid sod area, the biochar will hold the water at the surface level where the seeds and sod will access the moisture in the early stages of growth. Avoid over-watering by checking the soil for moisture prior to watering.