Germinate Faster
Persist Products contain signaling compounds that jump-start seed germination and plant development.
Third-party trial results
Low germination rates lead to reduced plant stand establishment, increased weed propensity, poor nutrient utilization, and increased vulnerability to environmental stress.
Persist Premium Biochar

One pound of ultra-porous Persist biochar has a surface area of over 25 football fields. Water adheres to these surfaces to retain moisture in soil up to six times longer. The microscopic pores also serve as a habitat for microbes, creating a microbe mega-factory in your soil.
Persist PAF Bio-liquid

Persist PAF is a unique liquid blend of organic acids, phenols, and natural compounds. While biochar provides shelter for microbes, PAF provides the food. Recent crop trials, including strawberry, pepper, and soybean, show significant improvements in nutrient uptake and yield.
Micronized biochar― for dry or liquid application.
- Carefully screened particles less than 44 microns (0.044 mm) designed for superior suspension of biochar in liquid.
- Enhances dispersibility of biochar in soil for more precise nutrient delivery while reducing loss from volatilization.
- Micronized particles further improve water retention, nutrient availability, and microbial activity in soils.
Independently Verified to the Highest Quality Standards
Broccoli, Outdoor Nursery Trial (Spring 2023)
* Holden Research and Consulting (Camarillo, California, U.S.A.)
A 1% dilution of Persist PAF liquid produced 61% greater total plant weight and a 63% increase in root weight. The dehydrated weight of the treated plants increased by 156%.

Persist treatment produced 7% more soybean plants per acre and 4% larger plants.
* SynTech Research Group (Jefferson City, Iowa, U.S.A.)
Treatment included a unique blend of Persist PAF liquid and a biochar tea. Two liquid applications were made: One at pre-plant and the second at six weeks after planting. The trial was conducted Summer 2023.
Celery Nursery Trial (Winter 2023).
* Holden Research and Consulting (Camarillo, California, U.S.A.)
Persist PAF treatments resulted in 72% greater root growth and a 31% increase in total plant weight. Two foliar applications of PAF were applied in an outdoor nursery setting.

Full Truckload Pricing Available
Our mission is to reverse climate change.
Persist products are made by VGrid, an innovative clean energy company producing sustainable electricity from agricultural and forestry waste. In addition to reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and decreasing landfill waste, every ton of Persist biochar sequestered in soil will net remove about three equivalent tons of CO2 from the atmosphere.