Persist™ Biochar and PAF Liquid

A Powerful One-Two Punch for Stronger, Greener Turf


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* SOURCE: Turf & Soil Diagnostics (Linwood, KS). Biochar analysis vs. USGA sand and USGA sand/peat mix (September 2022).

Persist Premium Biochar

Persist™ Biochar is a highly stable and pure form of captured carbon. One pound of ultra-porous Persist has a surface area greater than 25 football fields!  When added to topdressing sand, the microscopic pores within Persist™ Biochar provides the following benefits:

Improved aeration (11% better air-filled porosity than USGA sand*)

Better infiltration (3% improvement over USGA sand alone*)

Alleviates compaction (15% lower bulk density than USGA sand alone*)

Saves water (27% better water-filled porosity than USGA sand alone*)

Persist PAF Liquid Plant Enhancer Logo

Persist™ PAF is a unique blend of organic acids (OA) and compounds. Academic research and trial data have identified several benefits of OA in creating stronger plants and more productive soils.

→ Enhances plants’ resilience to biotic and abiotic stress.

→ Restores the natural microbiology of soil.

→ Improves the bioavailability of minerals and nutrients.

→ Accelerates seed germination and plant development.

Strong, Vibrant Turf with Less Watering

With its superior water-holding and nutrient-binding ability, all-natural Persist™ biochar establishes long-term soil and plant health at golf courses, while also improving the environment by sequestering carbon, lowering water usage, and reducing chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Divot Repair

Biochar absorbs and retains significant amounts of water giving seeds a better chance to germinate. Unlike peat, biochar does not expand in size when wetted, so your mowing operations won’t pull up repaired divots.


With its enhanced ability to bind nutrients, Persist™ biochar improves the effectiveness of topdressing activities. It promotes healthier turf while also helping to reduce overall watering and fertilization expense.

New Planting

Multiple studies have demonstrated biochar’s ability to improve nutrient uptake, recharge degraded soils, and enhance overall plant growth. For general planting, a 10-20% biochar mix delivers superior results.

Persist Premium Biochar acts like
a Coral Reef in the soil.

Enhance your soil organically

Holds water up to 6x longer!

Persist™ Premium Biochar enhances the colonization of beneficial microorganisms in soil, which can help you use less fertilizer overall.  Just as the “nooks and crannies” of a coral reef harbor a wide variety of sea life, the microscopic pores of biochar provide home for an abundance of microorganisms, which are critical for long-term soil and plant health.

Promote a Positive Impact on the Environment

Persist™ biochar is produced from 100% California-grown pistachio shells – a waste product sent to the landfill – that would otherwise decompose and release CO2 back into the atmosphere. This CO2 is captured in the biochar in a stable form for generations. Additionally, biochar helps reduce the impact of drought by retaining water in the soil, while also helping to reduce fertilizer run-off.

Persist™ Biochar Advantages

Not all biochar is the same. Biochar characteristics, including carbon and ash content, should be verified with a lab analysis.

  • Retains water in soil 6x longer than soil without biochar.
  • Produced from 100% California-grown pistachio shells — a waste product otherwise destined for the landfill.
  • Carbon content greater than 90%, which is significantly higher than most other brands of biochar.
  • Higher porosity and surface area-to-volume ratio compared to other biochars on the market.
  • Low ash and VOC content.
  • Consistent particle size distribution.
  • Available in a 3-quart bag, 1.5 cubic foot bag, and 2.0 cubic yard supersack.
  • Persist can be manufactured with alternate feedstocks, specific particle sizes, and other custom requirements. 

Precise Particle Size Control

VGrid can match our biochar particle size to your sand specification for seamless mixing.

biochar_sand_mix<br />

certified by as a carbon-negative product.

USDA Certified Biobased Product

usda certified all-natural, 100% biobased product.

OMRI listed

OMRI Listed® for use in certified organic production.

Persist™ Biochar for Golf Analysis –

Turf and Soil Diagnostics (Linwood, Kansas)

Not all biochar is the same. Biochar characteristics should be verified with a 3rd party laboratory analysis.

This evaluation compared USGA-specified sand alone to the same sand mixed with 20% Persist® biochar, consistent with USGA recommendations for putting green construction. Compared to USGA sand alone, the Persist® biochar/sand mix (20/80) provided:

  • Better aeration (+11% air-filled porosity)
  • Improved water retention (+27% water-filled porosity)
  • Increased infiltration (+3% infiltration rate)

The Persist® biochar/sand mix (20/80) meets all USGA recommendations evaluated, including gradation and uniformity coefficient.

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Persist by VGrid
+1 (805) 482-9040
513 Calle San Pablo, Camarillo, CA 93012


Persist® premium biochar, Karrikaid®, and PAF liquid plant enhancer are manufactured by VGrid, a California-based biomass energy producer