New White Paper Highlights the Transformative Benefits of Pyroligneous Acid for Plants, Soil, and Sustainability.
VGrid Energy Systems and Persist Products have issued a new white paper titled: “Pyroligneous acid: Powerful benefits for the plant-soil system — and the planet.” This comprehensive report highlights the latest research and trial data on pyroligneous acid (PA). The...
Persist® plant and soil enhancers, announces its latest crop trial results: a 159% yield increase in celery specifically grown in fusarium-compromised soil. Compared to the control, Persist® PAF Liquid Soil Enhancer greatly increased counts, weights, quality, and overall marketability.
Persist™ Continues Its Impressive Run of Third-Party Crop Trials With a 15% Increase in Pepper Yield
Yield increase results in a net ROI gain to the grower over $4,800 per acre. VGrid has announced its latest crop trial results: a 15% yield increase in peppers per acre and a 13% overall increase in harvested weight per acre when using Persist™ Premium Biochar, and...
Persist™ Now Offers Micronized Biochar, Making it Ideal for Precision Fertigation and Liquid Spray Applications
Persist™ Premium Biochar is now available in a new formulation: Micronized Biochar. This ultra-fine biochar, screened for precise particle sizes less than 75 microns (0.075 mm), can be suspended in liquid, and conveniently applied through fertigation, drip irrigation,...
Persist™ PAF Earns USDA Certified Biobased Product Label
VGrid Energy Systems announces today it has earned the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Certified Biobased Product Label for its Persist™ PAF liquid plant and soil enhancer. Persist™ PAF is a unique blend of organic acids and natural compounds. Academic research...
Persist™ ‘Green Bull’ Liquid Lawn & Garden Fertilizer
New ‘Green Bull’ Liquid Lawn and Garden Fertilizer From Persist™ Supports Healthy Lawns and a Healthy Planet Persist™ Green Bull is a new liquid plant fertilizer with a powerful blend of iron, nitrogen, and Persist’s proprietary blend of organic acids and beneficial...
Persist™ Biochar Earns Prestigious IBI Certification
The IBI Biochar Certification Program is a voluntary initiative that allows biochar producers to prove their product's adherence to the rigorous criteria set forth by the IBI Biochar Standards. Designed for soil application, these standards ensure that biochar...
Lowes Now Offers Persist Biochar
VGrid Energy Systems announced today that its Persist™ Premium Biochar is available for sale nationwide on Now, lawn owners, gardeners, and indoor plant lovers can order online directly from Lowe’s, mix the soil enhancer into any plant soil, and enjoy...
Craig Vossler Joins VGrid Energy Systems as Sales Manager for Agricultural Products
VGrid Energy Systems and Persist Products welcome Craig Vossler as our new Sales Manager for Agricultural Products. In this role, he will oversee business development and sales for VGrid’s growing line of products for agriculture applications. Vossler has served in...
VGrid Named Top Biochar Company by Agri Business Review
VGrid Energy was featured in the annual listing of companies that are at the forefront of providing biochar solutions and transforming businesses. VGrid Energy Systems: Turning Agricultural Waste into Bioenergy and Bio goods Rising temperatures, extreme weather...
Persist™ Delivers Impressive Results in Strawberry Trial
Want to see how Persist™ Biochar and PAF can enhance your strawberries? Contact us today.A 14.25% yield increase was achieved in marketable strawberries produced per acre.VGrid announced this week the results of a recently completed strawberry production trial by...
Protect Your Vineyard from Drought Conditions
Major wildfires, blistering heat waves, and a diminishing water supply are wreaking havoc on winemaking regions around the world. For California, where winemaking is a $100 billion industry, employing hundreds of thousands of workers, the drought conditions have...
Improvements in composting can help stop climate change
It’s no secret that composting is good for the environment, and while the process has been around for thousands of years, innovations in composting operations are creating stronger end-products that are helping to reverse climate change. While the transformation of...
Get the inside scoop on the benefits of biochar for turf
Jeff Norton, vice president of business development for V-Grid Energy Systems, says biochar — a captured carbon produced from agricultural waste — offers lawn care operators (LCOs) a way to get more out of their fertilizers as prices continue to soar. Jeff Norton...
Persist™ Biochar and PAF Receive OMRI Listing® for Organic Use
Persist™ biochar and PAF are now OMRI Listed® for use in certified organic production, according to the USDA National Organic Program regulations. The product is specifically listed in the OMRI class of crop fertilizers and soil...
Trade Your Crop Byproducts for Clean Electricity
VGrid Energy CEO Greg Campbell says the renewable energy company can offer you financial relief on bills for electricity, in trade for your byproducts. “By getting access to their crop waste, we save them money by having to...
VGrid One-Ups Carbon Neutrality with Technologies Designed to Reverse Climate Change
Pistachios are a great source of healthy fats, vitamin B6 and thiamine. Also –– electricity, as it turns out. Made possible by the cashew relative’s shell waste and California’s “ag country,” VGrid Energy Systems has developed...
VGrid Energy Systems Earns USDA Certified Biobased Product Label
VGrid Energy Systems announced today that it has earned the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Certified Biobased Product label. The product, Persist™ Biochar, is now able to display a unique USDA label that highlights its percentage of biobased content....