Persist by VGrid

POWERFUL CATALYSTs FOR WATER and nutrient efficiency IN SOIL

Persist Premium Biochar
Persist Packages
ultra-porous persist biochar holds water and nutrients in soil longer.

Persist® Premium Biochar holds more water and nutrients in the soil to help naturally rebuild the soil and make it more drought-resistant to allow plants to thrive.

Persist PAF Liquid Plant Enhancer
Persist PAF
a beneficial, synergistic mix of healthy organic acids and phenols that boost plant development.

Persist® PAF is a 100% bio-based liquid that may enhance plant growth by improving plant nutrient uptake and increasing microbial populations in soil.

Persist Third Party Validation

OMRI Listed® for use in certified organic operations under the USDA National Organic Program.

Certified by the USDA as an all-natural, 100% biobased product.

Meets the stringent quality standards established by the International Biochar Initiative

Certified carbon negative by Puro.Earth, the world’s leading carbon crediting program.

The foundation for healthy plants and soil.

Saving water, reducing the impact of drought.

Wood Vinegar
Plant health

Let’s reverse climate change.

If we stop fossil fuel emissions tomorrow, global temperatures will still rise significantly. There’s simply too much CO2 in the atmosphere. Recent studies suggest up to ten gigatons globally must be sequestered by 2050 to prevent catastrophic climate impact. Climate experts estimate that biochar alone could address as much as 40% of the needed carbon removal, while simultaneously mitigating other environmental issues.
  • Every ton of Persist biochar removes three equivalent tons of CO2 from the atmosphere helping to reverse global warming.
  • Persist products are made by VGrid, an innovative clean energy company producing sustainable electricity from agricultural and forestry waste.
  • This green energy reduces our reliance on dirty fossil fuels while decreasing landfill waste.

Third-Party Trial Results

Strawberry (California)

Persist PAF Liquid and Biochar provided a 14% yield increase in marketable strawberries per acre.

* Holden Research and Consulting, Fall 2022

Soybean (Iowa)

A blend of Persist PAF liquid and biochar tea produced 7% more soybean plants per acre and a 4% increase in average plant height.

* SynTech Research Group, Summer 2023

Pepper (California)

15% increase in number of peppers produced per acre and 13% increase in average weight with Persist® PAF and Biochar.

* Holden Research and Consulting, Fall 2023

Broccoli (California)

Persist PAF foliar treatments resulted in a 61% increase in total plant weight in nursery trials.

* Holden Research and Consulting, Spring 2023

Tomato (Hawaii)

In a grower trial, Persist™ Biochar delivered a 15% yield increase with 40% water savings.

* Ige Group, Fall 2021

Celery (California)

Persist PAF produced 72% greater new root growth and a 31% increase in plant weight in nursery trial.

* Holden Research and Consulting, Winter 2023

Hay-Water Savings (Colorado)

Soils amended with Persist Biochar increased water-holding capacity by 23% and significantly increased the protein percentage, Relative Feed Quality (RFQ), and Relative Feed Value (RFV) of hay.

* Lobato Farms-Colorado State University, Summer 2023

Made from natural processes.

Agricultural Waste

VGrid's Bioserver

Persist Biochar

Persist PAF

Natural benefits for a variety of applications

Farming & Horiculture
golf and turfgrass management
Compost Ingredients
Composting operations
bioswales and Green Infrastructure

How VGrid is fighting climate change with Persist.

Persist PAF and Biochar provide a 14% yield increase in marketable strawberries per acre.

      • Outdoor production trial conducted by Holden Research and Consulting (Ventura County, California, U.S.A.); September – December 2022.
      • Before planting, Persist Biochar was placed in the slot at a rate of 480 lbs/acre. Persist™ PAF liquid was applied at 1% dilution with a backpack sprayer at a total rate of 3.5 gal/acre (four applications total).
      • Results compared to grower’s standard regimen. At planting, all treatments received controlled release fertilizer and in-season applications of nitrogen and phosphorous, along with foliar pest control.

Persist treatment produces 7% more soybean plants per acre and 4% larger plants.

* SynTech Research Group (Jefferson City, Iowa, U.S.A.)
Treatment included a unique blend of Persist PAF liquid and a biochar extract. Two liquid applications were made: One at pre-plant and the second at six weeks after planting.
Wood Vinegar

The Persist® Biochar Difference


Persist biochar is manufactured in a high-temperature gasification process that maximizes the removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the biomass. This proprietary process also yields a biochar with greater than 90% fixed carbon content, which is significantly higher than most other brands of biochar. Persist has low ash content, consistent particle size distribution, and is made from 100% California-grown waste pistachio shells, which would otherwise go to the landfill.


Persist’s proprietary high-temperature production process also creates an extremely porous biochar with an intricate network of microscopic pores, cavities, and channels. The result is a massive “surface area-to-volume” ratio, which maximizes the water holding capacity and nutrient binding capabilities. One ounce of Persist™ in fact has a surface area equal to 1-1/2 football fields. Persist’s surface area of 200-300 m2/g compares to other biochar at <20 m2/g.


Biochar is an effective method for capturing carbon that would otherwise enter the atmosphere. But how much carbon is captured and for how long is not the same for all biochar. Persist is over 90% fixed carbon, meaning that more carbon is captured per pound compared to others. Additionally, if the oxygen-to-carbon (O:C) ratio of biochar is less than 0.2, then the half-life is greater than 1,000 years.  With an O:C ratio of 0.05, Persist provides significantly longer sequestration.

Biochar saves water, reducing the impact of drought.

49 Day Drought Trial with Flowers

Before and after comparison

A series of studies were conducted to evaluate the water holding capacity of biochar. In one, flowers were planted in two self-watering pots, which were then top-watered and filled.

After 15 days, the water level indicator in the non-biochar planter dropped significantly but remained virtually unchanged in the biochar-amended planter, even after 30 full days of no water.

After 49 days of no additional watering, the flowers in the biochar-amended pot were still in bloom and the leaves were green and healthy.  Flowers in the non-biochar pot were dead.

Micronized biochar for fertigation, drip irrigation, and foliar spray systems.

  • Carefully screened particles less than 75 microns (0.075 mm) designed for liquid suspension and application.
  • Enhances dispersibility of biochar in soil for more precise nutrient delivery while reducing loss from volatilization.
  • Micronized particles further improve water retention, nutrient availability, and microbial activity in soils.
Puro earth, IBI OMRI


Persist™ PAF Earns USDA Certified Biobased Product Label

Persist™ PAF Earns USDA Certified Biobased Product Label

VGrid Energy Systems announces today it has earned the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Certified Biobased Product Label for its Persist™ PAF liquid plant and soil enhancer. Persist™ PAF is a unique blend of organic acids and natural compounds. Academic research...

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Persist™ ‘Green Bull’ Liquid Lawn & Garden Fertilizer

Persist™ ‘Green Bull’ Liquid Lawn & Garden Fertilizer

New ‘Green Bull’ Liquid Lawn and Garden Fertilizer From Persist™ Supports Healthy Lawns and a Healthy Planet Persist™ Green Bull is a new liquid plant fertilizer with a powerful blend of iron, nitrogen, and Persist’s proprietary blend of organic acids and beneficial...

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Persist™ Biochar Earns Prestigious IBI Certification

Persist™ Biochar Earns Prestigious IBI Certification

The IBI Biochar Certification Program is a voluntary initiative that allows biochar producers to prove their product's adherence to the rigorous criteria set forth by the IBI Biochar Standards. Designed for soil application, these standards ensure that biochar...

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Lowes Now Offers Persist Biochar

Lowes Now Offers Persist Biochar

VGrid Energy Systems announced today that its Persist™ Premium Biochar is available for sale nationwide on Now, lawn owners, gardeners, and indoor plant lovers can order online directly from Lowe’s, mix the soil enhancer into any plant soil, and enjoy...

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VGrid Named Top Biochar Company by Agri Business Review

VGrid Named Top Biochar Company by Agri Business Review

VGrid Energy was featured in the annual listing of companies that are at the forefront of providing biochar solutions and transforming businesses. VGrid Energy Systems: Turning Agricultural Waste into Bioenergy and Bio goods Rising temperatures, extreme weather...

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Protect Your Vineyard from Drought Conditions

Protect Your Vineyard from Drought Conditions

Major wildfires, blistering heat waves, and a diminishing water supply are wreaking havoc on winemaking regions around the world. For California, where winemaking is a $100 billion industry, employing hundreds of thousands of workers, the drought conditions have...

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Improvements in composting can help stop climate change

Improvements in composting can help stop climate change

It’s no secret that composting is good for the environment, and while the process has been around for thousands of years, innovations in composting operations are creating stronger end-products that are helping to reverse climate change. While the transformation of...

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Persist by VGrid
+1 (805) 482-9040
513 Calle San Pablo, Camarillo, CA 93012


Persist® all-natural biochar, Karrikaid®, and PAF liquid plant enhancer are manufactured by VGrid, a California-based clean energy producer